The world of cigars is vast and rich, encompassing centuries of tradition, culture, and craftsmanship. From the lush tobacco fields of Cuba to the sophisticated lounges of New York City, the cigar community is a unique and passionate group. Cigars are more than just a luxury; they represent a lifestyle, a moment of relaxation, and an art form that every cigar aficionado around the globe deeply appreciates. Within this expansive world lies a subculture that brings cigar lovers together: the cigar club. These clubs serve as havens where every smoker can gather, share their experiences, and deepen their appreciation for fine cigars.
Cigar clubs operate on a simple yet powerful premise: community. Whether through in-person gatherings at exclusive lounges or virtual meet-ups in online forums or platforms, these clubs create spaces where members can bond over their shared love for cigars. Members often gain access to rare and exclusive cigars, partake in tasting events, and engage in discussions about cigar history, production, and pairing techniques. Cigar clubs not only enhance the smoking experience but also foster friendships and networks among like-minded individuals.
In today's digital age, cigar clubs have evolved to include online platforms where different type of smokers from around the world can connect. These online cigar clubs offer forums, virtual events, and membership perks that rival traditional in-person clubs. Whether you're an expert or a curious beginner, there's a cigar club out there that fits your needs. These clubs provide invaluable resources, from educational content to exclusive discounts, making it easier than ever to dive into the world of cigars. Whether you're lighting up in a cozy lounge or joining a virtual tasting from your home, cigar clubs offer a unique and enriching way to enjoy this timeless pastime.
What Are the Best Cigar Clubs?
Among the cigar clubs that have garnered the most attention from cigar lovers and also from the most popular cigar manufacturers of incredible quality, there are interesting and varied options. These include My Cigar Pack and Cigar Detective. We can also highlight our own cigar club (which is currently at full capacity, but you can subscribe to be notified when more spots become available).
My Cigar Pack
My Cigar Pack collaborates with over 100 esteemed cigar brands and manufacturers to curate the finest selections for both beginner smokers and veteran aficionados. Each pack is meticulously stored in a state-of-the-art humidor, ensuring the ideal climate and humidity. Using Boveda Packs' advanced two-way humidity control technology, their specialized sealed bags serve as travel humidors, delivering cigars in perfect, ready-to-smoke condition.
Their mission is to guide members through their cigar journey, making it an enjoyable and immersive experience. Their comprehensive, vertically integrated platforms provide access to exclusive cigar media content and a top-tier online store featuring the latest premium cigars. Members benefit from exclusive discounts on individual cigars, boxes, and a variety of samplers, enhancing their cigar experience and making premium selections more accessible.
Their monthly memberships are divided into 7 categories, each providing access to different qualities, varieties in brand, flavor, and sizes.
Subscription/Membership | Price (USD) |
Club Membership | $29.99 |
Factory Direct | $29.99 |
Mystery Pack | $29.99 |
Gift Subscription | $29.99 |
The Brand Membership | $39.99 |
My Cigar Pack Elite | $54.99 |
Reserva Especial | $99.99 |
Cigar Detective
Cigar Detective was founded by experts in the cigar industry, with a vision to offer something unique for both veteran cigar lovers and those new to the experience. They're revolutionizing the market by blending small-batch, artisanal cigar craftsmanship with affordability.
Their team immerses itself in a meticulous process of blend creation alongside their partner factories and intricate branding efforts. They personally visit these factories, delve into the specific profiles they aim to achieve, and bring these brands to life through distinct visual identities. Afterward, they allow the cigars to age to perfection before they are enjoyed by friends and customers. By sourcing the finest tobaccos available and minimizing their profit margins, they make these premium products more accessible. This approach ensures that more people can enjoy high-quality cigars that would otherwise be much more expensive under different branding and multi-tiered retail systems.
Their mission is to source exceptional cigars and spotlight the incredible factories that produce them. Leveraging their extensive industry connections, they procure the finest tobacco and cigars from prestigious factories worldwide, ensuring premium quality at the most reasonable prices. They recognize the demand for top-tier cigars with compelling branding, minus the exorbitant cost. Their commitment is to deliver outstanding cigars at unbeatable value, encapsulated in the motto: "Good cigars. Great prices."
Tobacco Tactical
The Tobacco Tactical Cigar Club is a special division of Tobacco Tactical Cigar Co., collaborating with My Cigar Pack to curate a top-tier selection of premium cigars exclusively for its members.
Our cigar club is an exclusive, limited-membership group that began its journey in 2022. It offers members access to the finest premium tobacco products we can create.
Partnering with the world's most esteemed cigar factories and manufacturers, we have crafted unique blends available solely to club members.
Each month, members receive a selection of five exclusive banded cigars, blended and produced specifically for the club and packaged in a distinctive TTCC format.
The cigars featured in the club are on par with, if not superior to, anything previously released under the Tobacco Tactical brand. The blends, sizes, and factory partners will vary, reflecting our intentional approach to product development.
As the club evolves, we aim to enhance member engagement practices to enrich the overall experience.